Modes of Language and the Function of Art

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Roberto Juan Walton


The paper is guided by the differentiation made by P. Ricoeur regarding language between the structure of rules, oral discourse, writing, and reading. Each of these modes of language can be examined according to the phenomena of temporality, subjectivity, worldliness, and intersubjectivity. Following M. Presas, this scheme is applied to art and its function of letting things manifest themselves in their full presence. His emphasis on the liberation accomplished by language with regard to the factual limitation of our finite situation is stressed. This is attained by means of the openness to the truth of a possible existence which is not identified with an escape from reality. Presas’ analyses are centred in P. Klee and F. Marc and stress the distinctive traits related to the mentioned phenomena. In an attempt to offer a complement to this examination, a mention is made to the interpretations devoted by M. Merleau-Ponty to P. Cézanne, by M. Henry to V. Kandinsky, and by J.-C. Marion to G. Courbet. It is shown how they also make explicit what Presas has stated on discordance, insular being, and the absence of constraint.


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Walton , R. J. (2023). Modes of Language and the Function of Art. Revista De Filosofía (La Plata), 53(2), e078.
Dosier: En torno a la obra de Mario Presas en sus 90 años


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