Against the asepsis of the world. Merleau-Ponty's late ontology and the problematic of flesh

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Nicolás Fagioli


This paper proposes a reading strategy for Merleau-Ponty's complex late reflections on the concept of flesh. It will be sustained in the development of this paper that this notion must be understood from the characteristics of the type of ontology that the author intends to build and from the distinctive notes of its object of study. Once these concepts are made explicit, they function as an exegetical framework for the problem of flesh and as an ordering guide for the elements that compose it. According to this premise, the work consists of three parts. In first place, what we consider to be the main features of the merleau-pontian ontology of his last years of production and the way in which it is configured to position sensory experience as a legitimate object of study will be exposed. In the second and third parts, through the prism of what has been developed, the question about flesh will be analyzed based on a specific reading proposal that involves a specific dynamic between the concepts of difference and unity.


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Fagioli, N. (2023). Against the asepsis of the world. Merleau-Ponty’s late ontology and the problematic of flesh. Revista De Filosofía (La Plata), 53(2), e089.


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